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A place you went to that was full of colour.Sample Answer1

You should say

Where it is
Why you went there
What you did there
And explain why you think this place was made so colourful.

In 2014, my whole family pay a visit to Kunming in April. You know in China it is called the city of flowers and it is in the best season.

Some newly acquainted friends told us that there was a big flower market near our hotel worth a visit. My parents and I then went for a walk around the market to see if we can buy some cheap and good flower seeds. However, it turned out to be something much more than the flowers. When we entered into the flower market, we felt much warmer, not only because of the heating system to keep the flowers lively, but also because so many kinds of flowers blossom like fire with various colors, from cream, wine,olive, to gold. Some even shining with dazzling light. Even many butterflies were flying around, adding more wonder to this scenery already beyond description. It seemed to me that we were standing in an island of fairy tale,with all the spirits in the flowers chanting a mysterious song with the overwhelming scent and scene. After a great feast for eyes and noses, were turned hotel with several flower seeds recommended.

It was my first time to see so many kinds of flowers and really an eye-opening experience. I’ve  formed a habit of growing some flowers where I live since then, and they are like silent friends in need always being therefor me.

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