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Describe a subject you didn’t like before but like now.Sample Answer3

You should say

What it was;
When you studied the subject
Why you didn't like it before
And explain why you have interest in it now.

When I was in senior high school, art class was a total nightmare (噩梦)to me. The main reason why I disliked it was that art was not so important compared to core subjects (核心科目)and it was not included in the college entrance examinations. In the art class, we were asked to draw whatever we wanted and sometimes I would muddle through barely. I soon got bored of art course and hardlyspent any time on it. But things become different after I get into college. In my college, art becomes a part of the final evaluation(评估)of each term and I have to try my best toper form well in art class. The art teacher in college is also different fromthe teacher in my junior high school. She emphasizes (强调)creativity and originality in painting and teaches us many painting skills. Gradually, I have found some drawing talents inmyself. After getting higher grades and making more progress, I gain more confidence in drawing and become interested in it. Now I am willing to attend art class since I don’t have to rack my minds (绞尽脑汁)trying to find something to draw. Somethingspecial naturally come to my mind. I have fallen in love with art class andit’s no long a burden for me. I now enjoy having art class and I think it is meaningful. 
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