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Describe a subject you didn’t like before but like now.Sample Answer4

You should say

What it was;
When you studied the subject
Why you didn't like it before
And explain why you have interest in it now.

About the subject I didn’t like before but have interest in now, I think I have a bunch to say, but the main subject definitely was PE class.

PE class is a regular class starting from primary school to university. I had it for at least twelve years. However, when I was in secondary school, those PE classes were absolutely not my thing. I was weak at every sport activity, so I gradually disliked participating in it and then disliked having PE class. For example, if the class content was running, I was the last one with a tired face. And at that time I really cared about what others thought of me, so I thought that showing my weakness was a kind of embarrassment. And sometimes we didn’t have adequate(俚语足够 enough) equipment to play so we just gathered up, talked and lounged around(俚语无所事事 spend time doing nothing particular) .

But after entering the university, I met a good teacher. She knows everyone’s preference. Most of the classes she gave the majority of to our own needs. Boys can have a blast(俚语玩得愉快have fun) playing basketball, running and playing football in her class, while girls might enjoy themselves jumping rope and playing volleyball. I like play badminton. Compared with running and talking with other girls, the time spent on the badminton was interesting for me. Thanks to the teacher, we put more attention into keeping healthy and spirited.

It is fortunate that the PE class in the university is actually of rich content, in which I can really learn something and get some exercise. You know, I fall in love with PE class now.

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