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Describe a person you don’t like but have to be friendly to.Sample Answer1

You should say

Who the person is.
Why you don’t like the person
Why you have to be friendly to this person.

I don’t like him at all, but still I have to live with it and wear a friendly face to fake the like to him. You know who he is? He is now my boss, at least temporarily.

I am not a judgmental type of person and I am not that kind of guy who makes mental notes every time someone does something to hurt you on purpose or by accident, and I never easily label a dislike on others. But he is a rarity and he is the exception. He name is LiGang, a so-called doctorate in the computer technology and was parachuted to the company as a technocrat boss. I don’t see anything special in his technological skills, but I do experience the unbearable consequences of his near to zero EQ. He likes to meddle with every aspect of every employee’s everyday work, acting like an omniscient but with the effect of a pretender. Heal so has the unimaginable communication skills to turn a brainstorm into a brawl. I once had my due respect for him since I know he act out of a not bad intent, but he does the fabulous job to turn every supporter in the company into his despiser. Though sometimes I will feel a bit pity for him since he is like a supportless and helpless middle life man, mostly I have no positive feelings for him.

Then it beg for the big question: why you have to be friendly to him. Why not just leave? Believe me I torture myself with similar questions like ten thousand times, but I still don’t have the necessary courage to send in my jacket. I have a family to raise and the economic situation is too volatile in its best to risk a handsome salary. So every day I wash my face, brush my teeth, adjust my tie and wear my friendly mask specially prepared for my boss. He earned it.

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