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Describe a place near water that you enjoyed visiting.Sample Answer1

You should say

Where this place was
What you did at this place
Who you went there with
And explain why you liked this place.

When I think about a place near water, the first sight that come to my mind is the great yellow river. I can visualized the magnificence and natural beauty of it without really go there because I was born in a small town that suited along the side of the yellow river. Throughout my childhood, I can smell and listen to the yellow river. This literally becamea huge part of my childhood memory. I can still recall the memory. When I was very little, four or five years old maybe, my parents would take me to the river bank on weekends for a picnic. They would bring a piece of cloth, some bread, some orange juice and other picnic food that I liked. If it was springwhen the city enjoys a windy weather, they would also take a kite. I cannot remember all the detail snow, but I clearly remember how much fun I had playing with the soft sand on the river bank, laughing with my parents and lying drowsily(lazily慵懒的) in the sunshine. The yellow river is forever and I feel small in front of it. When I was young, I used to simply just sit by the running river,watching it flooding and rolling. Staring at the yellow river gradually became my hobbit. I always think about my future life while facing it. No matter how time goes and how far I will be from it, it still means a lot to me. Now I worked in a big city that is thousands mile away from the yellow river, but every time I think of it, I can still feel the rhythm and power of it which reminds of where I belong to.

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