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Describe something you want to buy in the future.Sample Answer1

You should say

What it is
What it is like (or, what you think it will be like or look like)
How long you have wanted to buy it
And explain why you want to buy it.

The thing that I love to buy in the future is a lovely scooter. It’s faster than bicycle but slower than motor bikes, the power resource is electricity and you have to charge it when the battery is low. The speed of a scooter is ranged from 30 km/ h to 60 km/h, the faster one is more expensive than the slower one so be aware of what type of scooter you really want before you buy it. I’d like to buy it next year because currently I don’t have enough money to buy a nice one which cost 4000 rmb approximately. Sonow I’m on a money saving mission. Well ,the scooter that I fancy is the kind of European style with a curve outline and two adorable rear view mirrors in the front cuz it reminds me of the movie “Roman Holiday” when Peck driving the scooter while Audrey Hepburn sitting on the back seat hold his waist. I love that kind romantic feeling especially with a girl on the back seat. Besides the adorable appearance and romantic atmosphere, there are more reason supporting me to buy a scooter, the major reason is that the traffic condition here in Shanghai is really not very exciting and if you are driving a car, the chance of being stuck in a gridlock is extremely huge. Under this circumstance, the best vehicle turned out to be the smaller and more flexible type, the motorbike is too dangerous, the bicycle is too slower and labor taking, so scooter came out and became the savior in this case. With the help of an agile and portable scooter, you could easily pass through the snail-paced traffic and outrun all of the other mega petrol-burning monster. What are you waiting for,let’s all go to the scooter store and pick up your beloved scooter, let the freeway become the real “free way”, you can make it happen, you can speed up while other are falling back!

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