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Describe something you want to buy in the future.Sample Answer2

You should say

What it is
What it is like (or, what you think it will be like or look like)
How long you have wanted to buy it
And explain why you want to buy it.

As a big fan of Disney films, I‘ve always had a strong feeling to anything pink. So when I first saw the Sony Vaio laptop in pink, I was soon attracted by it and could not take my eyes off it. I would definitely bring it home. But the problem is, my family just moved several months before so we don’t have enough money. The chances that my parents would allow me to buy a new laptop are remote(遥远的). But my obsession(迷恋) with this pink laptop really bothered me. Then I decided to save money myself in order to purchase it. I found a part time job and settled down at Costa. Although the pay is not that good, I’m glad that I can make money by myself. I think I still have to work for 2 more months before I can afford a laptop. With the goal in my mind, nothing is in my way. Besides, working in Costa actually was quite fun, and one of the perks was that I can enjoy free coffee. I believe that after 2 months, I can book that pink laptop online. I think I will be over the moon then. But apart from getting the thing I longed for, what I also learnt was that if you work hard for something you really desire, then when you have finally achieved your goal, the enjoyment you get is multiplied.

Describe a small successful company.Sample Answer 1
Describe a paid job you ever did.Sample Answer 1
Describe something that you want to learn more.Sample Answer 1
Describe something that surprised you.Sample Answer 1