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Describe something you want to buy in the future.Sample Answer3

You should say

What it is
What it is like (or, what you think it will be like or look like)
How long you have wanted to buy it
And explain why you want to buy it.

All of my friends know that reading is my biggest interest, especially something about literature. If I have free time, I would like to go to the libraries or book shops to do some free reading. Therefore, if you ask me to say something I want to buy in the future, I would like to say a book in original English. When it comes to the content of the book, it is the last part of a serial story which includes ups and downs of plot. I cannot help to reading three books in two weeks round the clock. What is more, I dreamt of the plot I read and I really want to pursue the end of the story. Unfortunately the last book won’t be published in China until next year. Because of my high-level requirement, I don’t trust the private translation I have already got. The perfect use of graphics is another factor that attracts me. So finally I decide to buy an original book abroad. The price of the book is over 500RMB which can cover half of my monthly living expenses. I make up my mind to save whatever I can save to buy that book, such as cutting the budget of buying new clothes and shoes, and eating extra food. It would be nice to have the book in my hand, and I will dream of happy laughter. I have realized that because it is in the original edition, I may have difficulties understanding some words or phrases. And I determine to overcome this barrier by looking up the dictionary. Of course, I will regard it as my treasure coz it doesn’t come easy.

Describe a small successful company.Sample Answer 1
Describe a paid job you ever did.Sample Answer 1
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