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Describe something you want to buy in the future.Sample Answer4

You should say

What it is
What it is like (or, what you think it will be like or look like)
How long you have wanted to buy it
And explain why you want to buy it.

First thought, I will definitely buy a car if I have enough money in the future. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a very fancy or expensive one, since, for me, it is only a tool I use to save time and energy.

I save money for 3 years and still fall short of total of 180k yuan to by a ford car that I have a thing for. But there will be bread and there will milk as well eventually.

After buying it, I will of course drive to work since that’s why I want to buy it at the first place. Trust me, taking public transit to and from work in Shanghai during the rush hour is far from a pleasant experience. Although some people might argue that bicycle is a more environmental-friendly means of transport, I feel car is safer, more comfortable and convenient. What’s more, having a car is also a symbol of their social status. Plus, at the weekends, I will do self-served travelling with my parents as well. In recent years, it has become a prevalent ways of travelling. Personally, I think it is a marvelous way to unwind and strengthen the family bond.

Nowadays in some places, particularly in big cities, for those who are ready to get married, a car is often a must. I know it may sound too materialistic, but what can I say, c’est la vie.

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