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Describe an interesting website you have used.Sample Answer4

You should say

What the website is
What it is used for
When you used it
And explain why you think it was interesting

Since Jackie Ma is so popular recently, I would like to mention a website which was created by him and his team – Taobao. I bet you have heard about it, for it has significantly changed the life of millions of Chinese people. About fifteen years ago, it was unrealistic(不现实)that we could shop online without stepping out of our home. But now shopping online is no longer a dream. We regard it as a normal thing like eating outside or going to the movies. The name Taobao means hunting for treasures in Chinese, so you can easily understand that it was a website for online shopping, just like Ebay or Amazon. I used the website almost every day, not only because you can find whatever you want on it, but also because you can sometimes get a cheaper price on Taobao than some supermarkets or department stores. One thing that needs mentioning is the selling strategy of Jackie Ma and his team. Nov, 11th in China is considered as Single’s Day. It was supposed to be a sad day for the single people, but Taobao cleverly turned it into Single’s Day Shopping Spree. Last year on the Single’s Day, the sales reached its peak on Taobao. Like most young people in China, I enjoy staying up late to buy some bargains. It is no exaggeration to say that Taobao has already become a custom(习惯)among young people.

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