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Describe a TV program that you talk about with your family.Sample Answer2

You should say

What the program is about
How often you watch or listen to this program
What type of people enjoy this program
And explain what you like or dislike about this program or why you talk with your friends or family about this TV or radio program

Generation Show is a reality show on Shenzhen satellite channel and it’s my favourite. This show invites ten celebrities as guests and divides them into five groups according to the decade they are well-known in, from 1960s to now. Five groups compete against each other by answering questions and playing games of different decades. The program featured in the mix of nostalgiaand modernity. Every Saturday my family will watch it. The greatness about it is that people of all ages can take pleasure from it because they can always feel related to specific decade
There are lots of reasons why I like the TV show so much. The first one popping out is that the questions and games are fresh and diversified. They’re always combined with images, music and live shows. For example, when it comes to a movie, it may need the guests in question to perform the most classic scenes. And also, it arouses the audience’s sense of belonging. The program is carefully designed according to the traits of each generation. A specific theme song will be played every time a group successfully finishes a game or answers a question. The audience will cheer up or feel upset when the group they support win or lose. What’s more, it’s a perfect way forfamily members to feel each other and thus strengthen family bonds. Like me, I experience what my parents have experienced, like the games they liked to play in childhood and the most popular stars when they were in college. As for my parents, they have a detailed and sometimes positive understanding of youth culture rather than criticise it blindly. The sharing of ideas may help to bridge the generation gap and build a better family dynamic.
So it is a great family show and go enjoy it with your family.
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