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Describe an important job in your country.Sample Answer1

You should say

What the job is
What people have this job
What the job requires
And explain why the job is important in your country.

I didn’t know anything about financial transactions until I read a book about it. I learned from the book that there is now a huge need for financial elite, especially bankers. Thebankers are the people who have financial skills as well as the deepperspective of the industry. They take in charge of allocating capital(资本) to a profitable industry which needs investment and managing risk. Because of them, capital can be used to help the industry develop. It seems that it’s noteasy to be a qualified banker. First of all, a banker should have the abilityof telling a good investment chance. Taking Sivajothy for example. He is atrader and he is quite different from other traders when he considers a tradingopportunity. He believes that bias(偏见)can lead to wrong decisions and the locals’ views are always extreme(极端的),so when he comes up with an idea, he will fly to the country and talk with the officials there. The second ability of a banker is the reaction of emergencies.Everyone would make mistakes. Some bankers may become depressed and lose their confidence after a mistake. So they may not be able to distinguish a goodtrading chance from one another in the chaotic(混乱的)market. When Sivajothy first worked as a trader, he didn’t have much knowledge about the foreign exchange market, which he paid a lot of money. But his quick emergency reaction helped him to minimize the loss and he even got a promotion after that. Moreover, a good banker should be modest and keep moving. Like Sivajothy, although he has become so successful, he never thinks highly of himself. He still works harder than any other bankers. I think that’s the reason why he can be the top banker in the world.

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