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Describe an important job in your country.Sample Answer2

You should say

What the job is
What people have this job
What the job requires
And explain why the job is important in your country.

I would like to talk about an important job with a relatively low income in my country. The job is the tour guide.

Everyone can be a tour guide if you want,and the age is never a problem. The age of tour guides ranges largely from 20to 70. Young tour guides are mainly found in travel agencies. They are knowledgeable, passionate, full of vigor and generally well trained and organized. Some are even excellently educated, mastering several foreign languages. They mainly serve groups rather than individuals. The remaining section of tour guides are the middle aged and elderly, they are mostly natives in the rural locations. They are not trained tour guides. Some are taxi drivers and others may be landlords. They usually aim at individual visitors. But you are wrong if you think it is a breeze to be a tour guide. A few requirements have to be met.

To begin with, a guide should be an all-rounder with good communication skills. Being considerate is also a must to attend to visitors. What’s more, love for travel is needed so that a guide can truly share and appreciate the beauty of travel.

There is no denying that the job of tour guide is very important for both the local community and the country as a whole.For the local community, tour guides are a window and ambassador of the local culture. As an integral part of tour industry, they do their part to increase local government income. For the whole country, they are a preacher of Chinese culture for foreign visitors and also an educator of Chinese traditional culture for younger generation.

Anyway, a self-served travel is a good adventure, so does a well-guided one.

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