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Describe an important job in your country.Sample Answer3

You should say

What the job is
What people have this job
What the job requires
And explain why the job is important in your country.

Society has become technicolored (多彩的)due to various jobs. Every occupation has its significance to society. As a curious girl, I can easily be attracted by people of a different professional background. Since my major is something related to linguistic(语言学), I’m especially interested in the people who work on another type of language: programming language. I suppose programmer is an important job in my country. I know a man who is now working as a programmer in one of the biggest technology companies. His major was computer and he learned the C language, Java in college and he has written many programs. He even helped create a software that facilitated students to choose courses online. He was pretty smart not only in college but also at work. What he is doing now in his company was designing a software for the company’s cellphone production line. He and his teammates mainly work on improving the software performance and compatibility on different Android devices. Since I am a completely idiot in programming, I feel it is really cool to do these kinds of things.Programmers are required to be intelligent and creative, when they’re doing programming, they have to extract their brains to figure out the solution of a problem, and before they begin they need to design the whole process. Because of their endeavor(努力), we are able to use the convenient apps and play games for relaxation.So now they have become an indispensable(不可缺少的)part for the modern society.

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