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Describe a family member you want to work with.Sample Answer1

You should say

Who the member is
What kind of work you want to do with him or her
What he or she did impressed you most
And explain why you would like to work with him or her

I want to work with my dear father to do anything,be it cooking, fishing, traveling or seeking a job since he is such a mentor and assistant.

My father is 62 years old and retired, but he is never retired from being worried about me. He didn’t have the chance to have a decent education, instead he did give us that through his extremely hard work. He finally retired as a manager of a small company with a lot of experience of how to deal with different kinds of people and how to perfectly finish your job with care.

I couldn’t have succeed in many things without his thoughtfulness and kindness. I once dated a girl. Oh, by the way, I am not a guy good at going along with girls, and even the normal social life makes me nervous. So you can picture the awkward moments when I have to closely face my crush alone and make some advances without making me a fool. It is he who gave me a lot of heartfelt advice on how to enter a real and long relationship with a female ,like you should treat her with maximal respect and tenderness, or If you love her, then you should love her family as well. What’s more unbelievable about him is that he would treat me and him a team and had the ups and downs just as I did, but at the same time be the biggest cheerleader to carry me along the way.

A lot of credit should be given to him for the steady relationship I am now in. I know my father will be happy knowing Iam happy, so if there is ever any need to go on my courting for another girl(hope not), he will be my first choice of a consultant. Maybe the ideamakes me sound like a never grown up guy, but why not? I am always the little child of my father.

Describe a small successful company.Sample Answer 1
Describe a person who you think is fashion.Sample Answer 1
Describe a paid job you ever did.Sample Answer 1
Describe a change that will improve your local area.Sample Answer 1