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Describe another language that you would like to learn.Sample Answer1

You should say

Which language you want to learn
how you would learn it
what special equipment, facilities or conditions would be necessary when studying
And explain why you would like to learn this language.

I would like to learn a sign language if I got the chance and time.
I speak Chinese and some English. I've often thought it would be useful if I'd learned sign language as a child since we are usually going slightly deaf when advancing into a ripe old age. Learning a signed language "to help disabled people" is a very patronizing attitude, and I don’t want to do it that way. I have a good deaf friend, who is cool and I like him. So for me maybe, learn a signed language just because I like the guy who uses it and I want to understand more people like him too.

 A sign language is not too hard. I’ve seen a guide book about it and it’s full of fun.
But I know the best way to learn a sign language is simply practice and get out be around fluent sign language user. That’s the only amazing way to truly learn any language. So to get started I’m planning to find a class with deaf instructor, and after they introduce me to the basics. I will try learn everything in the communication with my friend.
I deeply thank him to once fully immerse me in a deaf culture, which is an eye-opening experience for me. They are optimistic and friendly, sometimes sensitive. I think the best way to go about it is to have respect for their culture and way of life. Many don't like to be called handicapped or hearing impaired.

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