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Describe an educational trip you went on.Sample Answer 1

You should say

Where it happened?
What you learned from it?
How did you feel?

Last Christmas holiday, I went to Barcelona to learn Spanish and arts of architecture. You know, Barcelona is the second largest city of Spain and also the capital city of the autonomous community of Catalonia. It is a historical city with rich cultural heritage since it was ruled by other cultures several times during its history and it has become an important cultural centre and a major tourist destination. It is especially famous for the architectural works of Gaudi. It has been designated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The Sagrada Familia is the symbol of this city, which I think is the most incredible scenery. The teacher also took us to the other works of Gaudi, such as the Park Guell and the Casa Batllo. The Park Guell showed us the former living room of Gaudi while at the top of the Casa Batllo we saw the amazing sunset of Barcelona. Moreover, the people in Barcelona were approachable and passionate. They were not quite good at English which made me to learn Spanish every day during the trip there. At the end of the trip, I was able to communicate with the local in Spanish, although it’s not quite fluent. I think it’s a miracle for me. I learned from this experience that the best way to master a foreign language is to adapt in the local environment and don’t be afraid of making mistakes. In this way, you can learn a foreign language well. I didn’t want to leave this city since it’s a city of masterpiece and passion. I not only loved the beach, the marvelous buildings there, but also enjoyed the delicious seafood in small restaurants. 

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