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你的雅思写作口语提分最佳伴侣 考官观点语料库:水资源

2016年11月16日18:33 来源:小站教育作者:小站雅思编辑
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你的雅思写作口语提分最佳伴侣 考官观点语料库:水资源图1



Importance of clean water

Water is as necessary natural resource

Humans need access to clean, safe drinking water in order to live

Poor water quality is a major cause of disease and death in some countries

Water usually needs to be treated before we can drink it

Developing countries often lack the means to treat and supply water to citizens

Developed countries tend to have much better sanitation

Citizens have access to clean tap water

Drinking water is not contaminated by sewage or waste water

The supply of clean water would improve public health in many developing countries

Water supply

Urban life would be impossible without water supply systems

These systems are massive engineering projects

Many professionals are involved in their planning, construction and maintenance

The supply and distribution of water are major concerns

Water is becoming scarce in some countries

Areas that suffer droughts often need to import water

As populations grow, there is more pressure on water supplies

This could lead to a water crisis

Water and politics

The supply of water is also an important political issue

Huge amount of water are needed for agriculture and industry

The irrigation of crops accounts for a large proportions of water use A water crisis could lead to political conflicts or even wars

Argument: water should be free

Some people believe that water should be free for everyone

Governments should supply water to all homes at no cost

Private companies should not be allowed to profit from this natural resource

Money from taxes can be used to pay for water supply systems

Argument: water should not be free

If water is free, people take it for granted

They do not think about how much water they waste

They leave taps running while washing or brushing their teeth

If we have to pay for water, we will use it more responsibly

Water supply systems are extremely expensive

Investment is needed to maintain and improve them

Private companies may provide a better service than governments

If they provide an efficient service, they will make more money

They will repair leaks to avoid losing money

Bottled Water: Opinions

Some people carry bottles of water wherever they go

For example, they take bottles of water to work or to the gym

They believe that bottled water is healthier than tap water

They also argue that it tastes better

However, other people believe that we should consume less bottled water

Plastic water bottles add to litter and waste problems

Companies should not be able to make a profit from water

It is unethical to make money by selling packaged water

There is no difference in quality between bottled and tap water


1.Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world. Today, however, growing worldwide demand has made this a global problem.

What are the causes of the increased demand and what measure could governments and individuals take to respond to this problem?

2.Water is a natural resource that should always be free. Governments should ban the sale of bottled water.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

3.Water resources around the world are falling deficient. Analyze the possible reasons and provide your suggestions.



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