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2017年02月03日15:04 来源:小站整理
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雅思口语part1往往被同学们认为是雅思口语三部分中较容易的部分。实际的确如此,part1 的难度最低,话题贴近生活,在这一答题过程中更易于同学们进入口语对话状态。但对于英文基础较差的同学,雅思口语part1部分虽然简单但依旧会暴露出语法,用词等不足。今天这里为大家整理1月雅思口语part1 中关于Sports话题的答案。希望同学们有所学习。



1.What is your favorite sport?

My favourite sport is basketball. I’ve been playing it regularly for nearly eight years.and I’m crazy about it .Basketball can be played by yourself or with other players. And it just needs a basketball stand and a ball,so It’s a very convenient game to play. In addition, It's a world­wide sport;many people play. It’s also an easy way to make friends in playing basketball.

2.Do you think sports help people to relax?

People release their pressure when doing sports. They can communicate with others in sports,It’s fantastic to find a person who shares same interest like you.

3.What are the common ways for the Chinese people to keep fit?

Well,in our country people of different ages have different ways to keep fit,Most elderly people like to do Taijiquan or perform Swordplay in the morning,and do a slow dance in the evening. But young people like to run on the treadmill or do other indoor sports which are in­troduced from western countries in fitness centers.

4.How important are sports in your life?

Sports are a very significant part of my life. Actually. I always spent at least two hours on sports everyday. I think sports can make us relax.keep us active and fit. You can meet new people when you play sports outside and have fun. For me*I wouldn’t be able to live without sports. I couldn’t imagine a world without sports!

5.How much time do you spend exercising?

Probably five or six hours a week. I know that will not make the Olympics at that rate,but then again sports is not my field.

6.Do you like to exercise daily?

No,I don’t. I’m awfully lazy. I know that I need to change this habit or I'm afraid it is going to come back and bite me in the butt.

7.Are there any good ways to lose weight?

Mentioning how to lose weight,I think the first and most effective way that jumps into my mind is doing regular exercise. Another good way I can think of is being on diet* but definitely not crash diet. It would be really pathetic for someone to be on crash diet of only tap water just for losing weight! And eating weight-losing medicine would be more miserable thing to do!

8.Do you think it is reasonable that sports stars earn a lot of money?

Many sportsmen have achieved great amount of wealth. As far as I am concerned, this phe­nomenon is not excessive or extreme because only those who have deeply devoted them­selves and made great efforts to their career can get the acknowledgement and being suppor­ted with wealth.

9.Do you believe that the sports a person likes could reflect his personality?

Yes, I think so. People who like participating in games are more competitive in personality. Some people like team sports. such as basketball. football,which require team spirit among team members. So people of this type are more cooperative in teamwork.



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