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雅思口语串题方法实例讲解:weather&outdoor activity

2017年05月19日14:08 来源:小站整理
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其实雅思口语里一提到weather,很多烤鸭就会直接跟机经里的另一道题目outdoor activity直接联系起来,尤其是喜欢风和日丽的孩子们,就直接去说户外活动了。如果你是喜欢drizzly days的娃,也不必讲实话,一切为了考试嘛… 当然,如果你能跟考官说的诗情画意,那就勇敢的去说下雨天吧!


雅思口语串题方法实例讲解:weather&outdoor activity图1



例如如果问大家outdoor activity,开头可以说The outdoor activity I’m really into is going picnic. I’m not an indoor person, I just feel bored at home, especially when the weather is nice, I just have to go out, otherwise, I would feel I’m not making the most of the day.

如果问到favorite weather,开头就可以变成I feel really comfortable in sunny summer days when the temperature is not that hot.


I hate scorching heat in muggy days, ‘cause that makes me sweat a lot. I’m not a big fan of severe cold either, ‘cause in freezing winter days, I’ll have to put on so many layers of clothes, which makes me look like a Michelin man.

During those pleasant warm sunny days at the beginning of summer, I only have to wear a T-short and short jeans, and go out in a pair of flip-flops.

然后自然转到outdoor activity:

The best part is, I get to do various outdoor activities, among which going picnic is my favorite. My friends and I love to get a whole bag of snacks and drinks, drive to the foot of the mountain or the nearby park, find a lovely spot, lie on a piece of blanket and just enjoy the gentle breeze and warm sunshine.

同时还可以再丰富一下,例如可以顺便go on a picnic, 一提到吃,这个基础话题大家都有话说嘛对吧!然后再充实一下“装备”,例如带上hammock, and hang it between two trees, and just kick back/chill out and enjoy the nice weather. 或者把活动时间再延长一下,一直玩儿到晚上看星星,因为没有light pollution, so we could see the stars clearly, and if we are lucky, we could even see the shooting stars.


But sadly, that kind of weather only lasts less than a month in my hometown. Most of the year, I just have to stand the annoying cold, windy weather.

My mom told me that in Kunming, which is a city in the south of China, the weather is nice and enjoyable all year round. I’ve never been there, but if that’s the case, I might move there in the future.


scorching = very hot = baking 例如:

They walked all day in the scorching heat.

muggy = warm and damp in an unpleasant way 例如:

a muggy August day

like a Michelin man = having a wide round body because of being very fat or wearing a lot of thick heavy clothes 例如:

I had so many layers of clothes on I looked like the Michelin man.

She swelled up like a Michelin man.

a pair of flip-flops = a type of sandal (= open shoe) that has a piece of leather, etc. that goes between the big toe and the toe next to it

kick back = to relax 例如:

Kick back and enjoy the summer.

chill out = to spend time relaxing; to relax and stop feeling angry or nervous about something. 例如:

They sometimes meet up to chill out and watch a movie.

Sit down and chill out!

shooting star = falling star = a small meteor (= a piece of rock in outer space) that travels very fast and burns with a bright light as it enters the earth's atmosphere





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