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雅思口语话题题库Part2范文想做而未做的事something you’ve always wanted to do

2017年11月23日15:59 来源:小站整理
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摘要:本文给大家带来雅思口语part2范文Describe something you’ve always wanted to do but have not done yet(想做而未做的事) ,范文内容有关创业梦想,梦想有多大,舞台就有多大。范文由高分考生所作。坚持每日练一道雅思口语,临场发挥更自信,口语冲7你也可以。

首段:为大家带来雅思口语题库话题高分范文,话题有关Describe something you’ve always wanted to do(想做而未做的事),范文有关青年的创业梦想,人人都想成为Jack Ma,但创业不易,请支持年轻人的梦想。文末附口语高分语料,备考口语怎么能少了雅思口语范文,好货不等人,还不速速收藏,高分范文在手,屠鸭说走就走。范文自取:


雅思口语话题题库Part2范文想做而未做的事something you’ve always wanted to do图1

回归:雅思口语范文汇总——想做未做的事(something you’ve always wanted to do)



3.故事线:梦想创业,人人都想成为Jack Ma,但创业不易,支持年轻人的创业梦想。

When talking about something that I have been wanted to do. I would really like to start my own business. It has been in my head for sometime but I do not have the money and resources to fulfill it yet.

You know it is not easy to run your own company. You need to take into account many aspects. First, I need a great amount of money to start off. I must raise enough money, or apply for a loan from a bank. I guess I would put in an investment of about 2 million first and see how it goes. Then I must choose suitable employees for my company. If someone would like to be a shareholder and invest in my company, he or she is definitely welcomed. As to what the company does, I would like to make it an accounting Hrm because I myself major in accounting and I have lots of friends and former classmates to start with. I am sure they would love to join the business if I succeed. If I had more business partners, the capital would be bigger and the company would run more smoothly. I do not have any experience in establishing a business. so I think I will meet with a lot of obstacles. But I will seek advice and help from my seniors who are already successful businessmen. I am sure I will also succeed one day.



take into account many aspects

a great amount of money

meet with a lot of obstacles

高分句型: As to what the company does, I would like to make it an accounting Hrm because I myself major in accounting and I have lots of friends and former classmates to start with.

If I had more business partners, the capital would be bigger and the company would run more smoothly. I do not have any experience in establishing a business.

so I think I will meet with a lot of obstacles.




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