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雅思口语话题part2原创范文something you’ve always wanted to do想做未做的事

2017年11月23日16:44 来源:小站整理
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摘要:本文给大家带来雅思口语part2范文Describe something you’ve always wanted to do(想做而未做的事) ,范文内容有关大学生在兼职中学会了很多餐厅管理经验,希望通过自己的努力开一家自己的餐馆,做个快乐的小老板。范文由高分考生所作。坚持每日练一道雅思口语,临场发挥更自信,口语冲7你也可以。

为大家带来雅思口语题库话题高分范文,话题有关Describe something you’ve always wanted to do(想做而未做的事),内容为一位大学生在法国勤工俭学,在一家餐馆学习餐厅管理经验,希望能开一间自己的餐馆。文末附口语高分语料,备考口语怎么能少了雅思口语范文,好货不等人,还不速速收藏,高分范文在手,屠鸭说走就走。友情提示:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历撰写答案。范文自取:


雅思口语话题part2原创范文something you’ve always wanted to do想做未做的事图1

回归:雅思口语范文汇总——想做未做的事(something you’ve always wanted to do)

Describe something you’ve always wanted to do but have not done yet

You should say:

What it is about

Why you plan to do it

What is the easy part and difficult part of it

Why you have not done yet




Life in Paris is really tough unless you can organise any suitable profession for you. Here I work as a part-time employee at a restaurant to bear my expenses. After working at the restaurant, I have developed an ambition to have a restaurant of my own.

I love to work in the restaurant. And I am responsible for dealing with the customers, collect the bills, take care of the inventory and more. Sometimes, I also take care of the kitchen and serve the waiting customers with drinks and other necessary assistances. The owner of the restaurant also works hard and as a result, his business has expanded to the largest possible extent. Often I have to assist the owner and come to know about many aspects that were unknown to me. Hence, I have formed the ambition to be a restaurant owner like him. This is an independent business.

I have been working as a part-timer for one and a half year. In fact, I need to meet my educational and personal expenses with my earning. In fact, I am a student of a locally reputed university and bearing all the costs of my own. This is really interesting to bear the costs at an early age. As a direct consequence, I have come to know about many realities of life and made a plan to make my life decent. I will have to wait for seven to eight years more to have a restaurant of my own. It needs lots of preparations. And most importantly, I have to learn how to run and manage a restaurant effectively. I have considered this as a learning period for me. I am learning everything to manage it. But waiting a long time is really difficult for me.

Opening a restaurant is not a big deal indeed. But there are several chances of fall if someone with the business does not have the proper idea to manage the restaurant. The existing owner, where I am working now, is an experienced individual and knows perfectly to deal with the restaurant activities. In his early life, he also was an assistant like me and learnt the necessary things as I am learning now from him. Besides, arranging for money is another important issue. Just opening a restaurant does not mean that you will have floods of euros. Rather, it requires a specific time to get established among its potential customers and clients. Moreover, I need to learn different culinary arts to satisfy my clients and ensure their return to my restaurant. Arranging for reliable staffs is another important issue to consider. If the staffs are not suitable or impolite with the customers, it would bring a disgrace for the business.

This is really an important goal for me to achieve. Though I am from a wealthy family, I want to grow by myself and without the support of my family. Hence, I have taken the decision. Besides, without an ambition, I do believe that an individual cannot go far. It is the ambition that creates the spirit inside to move forward, stand against the odds and walk over the obstacles. When the destination arrives, the moments are extremely happy and enjoyable. People becomes free and can do whatever they want. To be happy in life, it important to have the capacities in doing something without supervision. And it is only the desired goals or ambitions that lift up the people on that position. I want to be independent my work and decisions. Thereby, this important for me to achieve it.



bear my expenses

restaurant owner

not a big deal

arrange for money


In fact, I need to meet my educational and personal expenses with my earning.

Hence, I have formed the ambition to be a restaurant owner like him. This is an independent business.

It is the ambition that creates the spirit inside to move forward, stand against the odds and walk over the obstacles.




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