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雅思口语话题原创高分范文去过并喜欢的花园(a garden you visited and liked)

2017年11月23日18:29 来源:小站整理
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摘要:本文给大家带来雅思口语part2范文:喜欢的花园 a garden you visited and liked(关于喜欢的花园) ,内容为家附近的一座历史悠久的公园。范文由高分考生所作,看高分考生如何用流畅地道的表达,赢得考官的青睐。坚持每日练一道雅思口语,临场发挥更自信,口语冲7不是梦。

为大家带来雅思口语题库话题高分范文:关于喜欢的花园(a garden you visited and liked),范文系外国人原创,文末附口语高分语料,备考口语怎么能少了雅思口语范文,好货不等人,还不速速收藏.高分范文在手,屠鸭说走就走。友情提示:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历撰写答案。

Describe a garden you visited and liked

You should say:

where it is

how it looks like

and explain why you often go there


雅思口语话题原创高分范文去过并喜欢的花园(a garden you visited and liked)图1

返回:本话题汇总a garden you visited(喜欢的花园,查看更多版本范文




There’s a special garden here in the city where I live that I really love. Well, actually it’s more than a garden, it’s like a park, but with gardens within it; it’s very large.

Apparently it was created from an old lake, which dried up. It’s been there for hundreds of years now and has a lot of trees, plants, flowers and other interesting things like statues, monuments and fountains and stuff like that.It’s a public place and every day you can see hundreds of people there- some of them are tourists visiting the city and others are locals just walking through the gardens on their way to some place. You can often see people sitting having something to eat or drink at one of the cafes. Just last week I saw several people sitting on some of the benches reading, now that the weather has turned nice again.

I used to go to the gardens a lot when I first arrived here from abroad. I found the atmosphere very relaxing- so much greenery- in the middle of the capital city. Now I try to go every couple of weeks to explore a little and learn a bit more about the gardens. I have some favourite places in the garden, for example, there’s a beautiful fountain, and there are many other monuments and commemorative sites which honour explorers, reformers, and volunteers and people who died in various wars and for various causes throughout history.

It’s almost like walking through a history book sometimes. I would love to have enough time to learn about all of them. But one of the things I like most is that you can always find a quiet place to be by yourself if you go…or you can go to different parts where there are a lot of people all around; there’s a lot of variety and you can see, and sometimes even meet people from all over the world. I suppose if you were really interested in flowers and trees and things like that it would be a great place to spend some time too. I’m not really, but it’s easy to see that there are a lot of different plants and shrubs throughout the garden.

I just like going there because there is always something to do and different people to see, and to see how different the gardens look as the seasons change.


地道用词:dried up

walking through

高分句式:It’s been there for hundreds of years now and has a lot of trees, plants, flowers and other interesting things like statues, monuments and fountains and stuff like that.

But one of the things I like most is that you can always find a quiet place to be by yourself if you go…or you can go to different parts where there are a lot of people all around.

I suppose if you were really interested in flowers and trees and things like that it would be a great place to spend some time too.

I just like going there because there is always something to do and different people to see, and to see how different the gardens look as the seasons change.

I have some favourite places in the garden, for example, there’s a beautiful fountain, and there are many other monuments and commemorative sites which honour explorers, reformers, and volunteers and people who died in various wars and for various causes throughout history.




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