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5月雅思口语话题part2范文: sth that can make you concentrate

2018年05月07日10:27 来源:小站整理
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摘要:与雅思口语的新题旧恨,请在此处斩断。小站小编为你送上2018年5月雅思口语话题part2新题:Describe something that can make you concentrate on work/study (让你集中注意力的东西)的高分范文。所有因为变题月到来而惴惴不安的烤鸭们,速速收下这篇原创口语范文!

2018年5月是乃雅思口语变题月,一些新题会在本月的几次考试中陆续出炉,当然,大部分新题在第一场考试,也就是5月6号场的考试中就会出现。本文为你带来一道新的雅思口语part2话题:Describe something that can make you concentrate on work/study (让你集中注意力的东西),为大家描述听游戏音乐如何让我集中注意力于工作(还可以有这种操作!)。注:话题里的题目均为考生回忆而来(掌声送给他们),小编会持续关注,持续更新扩充话题,直到最终稳定版题库。

5月雅思口语话题part2范文: sth that can make you concentrate图1


I work in a usually hectic environment and there are all kinds of distraction occurring around, noise the worst. Thank god, I am allowed to resort to music for some protection.

My daily workload is huge and need quite a long focus to finish. To make things worse, the whole work place is open-plan without the traditional cubicles or office that divide and insulate people. My ears are swarmed with all kinds of sound, and it can be taxing sometimes. So, like those college years, I chose to isolate myself into a personal zone, it feels like travelling back to the library cramming study for some exams.


The music is really a helpful tools in such situations. I can’t hear the constantly sniffing any more, the sound of biting or sipping is gone, even all the work talks or gossip talks fade away, totally shield by my beloved video game soundtracks. It never gets boring, and it continues to pulse. My best bits are recordings from StarCraft, of which I played insane amounts of as a teenager. It really keeps me up when carrying out a task. As I finally dig out, as this kind of music is designed to foster achievement and help players get to the next level, it activates a similar “in it to win it” mentality while working. At the same time, it’s not too disruptive to my concentration. It’s just there in the background, not too boring, not too soothing, not too upbeat, not too bleak. For a guy who started in eighth grade with StarCraft and War3, I feel a strong connection to those game soundtracks. Maybe the nostalgia adds to the effects of music when I work.


好了,新鲜的雅思口语part2范文已经到位,相信有高分范文的加持,这道something that can make you concentrate on work/study的雅思口语新题应该是不在话下了。更多雅思口语新题资讯,更多高分口语范文,请持续关注小站雅思频道。5月雅思口语渡劫,尽在小站雅思口语频道。



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