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2019年05月15日11:24 来源:小站整理
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2019年5-8月雅思口语题库已更新完毕,本季共23道口语part2新题。本期雅思口语话题为:Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing,并不算新题,请看本期话题内容及口语范文。


雅思口语part2 Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing

You should say:

Where you bought it

How often you wear it

What it is like

And explain why you enjoy wearing it

Part 3

What’s the difference between the dressing style of young people and that of old people?

Do the people living in south China (warmer) wear different clothes from the people living in the north (colder)?

Do you think students like to wear uniforms?

When do people wear formal clothes?


Well, I would like to tell you about a pair of ripped jeans that are my favorite item among all the things I have in my wardrobe.

You know, I bought them for an unbelievably cheap price a long time ago in a second-hand clothing store. At that point, ripped jeans were really popular and everybody in my school was keen on them. So, whenever I put these jeans on, I felt really stylish and thought I really stood out from the crowd. After a while though, trends started to change, but I refused to abandon my jeans. I wore them almost everywhere, from home to school and only changed them for formal events such as a ceremony or a wedding. Sometimes I even slept in my jeans because they were so comfortable.

Actually, it is quite easy to understand why I fancy these jeans so much. Firstly, they instantly create a stylish and fashionable look for the wearer. Secondly, jeans are easy to mix and match and I can wear them with heaps of different shirts without worrying about looking ridiculous in other people’s eyes. And lastly, denim is so tough that it can’t be torn, so I can have them for a long time and save a great deal of money.

All in all, I love my jeans and cannot get through a day without them. I think such an item should be made trendy again so that the youngsters nowadays can really get to know their awesomeness.


What’s the difference between the dressing style of young people and that of old people?

Older people are often uninterested in fashion and more interested in what looks good on them or what is comfortable. They want you to say “you look very nice” rather than “that is a nice outfit”. They often find the idea of “fashion” a manipulaton to make people buy more stuff.

Fashion is for the young. Older people already have a full closet of things they like.

Do the people living in south China (warmer) wear different clothes from the people living in the north (colder)?

Do you think students like to wear uniforms?

The vast majority of kids don't want to wear school uniforms. The reasons why kids don't want to wear school uniforms are diverse, from School Uniforms Are Ugly,Uniforms Aren't Flattering to School Uniforms Restrict Individuality.

When do people wear formal clothes?




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