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2023年11月06日11:22 来源:小站整理
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以下是一篇雅思写作范文,以及对其中的句式进行分析: 标题:现代科技对教育的影响 范文: The impact of modern technology on education has been profound in the last decade. With the advancement of the digital age, the way we learn has undergone a seismic shift, and it is essential to acknowledge these changes and their impact on education. 第一段第一句:这是一个复合句,由1个主句(The impact of modern technology on education has been profound in the last decade.)和1个从句(With the advancement of the digital age, the way we learn has undergone a seismic shift, and it is essential to acknowledge these changes and their impact on education.)构成。主句使用现在完成时,强调现代科技对教育的影响是过去十年的一个重要现象。从句使用一般现在时,描述了随着数字时代的进步,学习方式发生了巨大的变化,并强调承认这些变化及其对教育的影响是至关重要的。 第一段第二句:这是一个并列句,由2个简单句构成。第一个分句描述了数字时代进步带来的学习方式的转变,第二个分句提出了承认这些变化和它们对教育的影响的重要性。 第二段:这段中有一个复合句:“The widespread use of smartphones and tablets has made it possible for learners to access educational resources anytime and anywhere.” 主句是“The widespread use of smartphones and tablets has made it possible for learners to access educational resources anytime and anywhere.”,从句是“The widespread use of smartphones and tablets has made it possible for learners to access educational resources anytime and anywhere.”。主句使用现在完成时,强调智能手机的广泛使用已经使得学习者可以随时随地获取教育资源。从句是对主句的进一步解释和说明,使用了现在完成时和并列结构,强调了智能手机的广泛使用带来的积极影响。 第三段:这段中有一个复合句:“On the other hand, there are concerns that the rise of digital technology has led to a decrease in face-to-face communication skills among students.” 主句是“On the other hand, there are concerns that the rise of digital technology has led to a decrease in face-to-face communication skills among students.”,从句是“that the rise of digital technology has led to a decrease in face-to-face communication skills among students”。主句使用现在时,强调存在一些担忧。从句是对这些担忧的具体描述,使用了现在完成时,强调数字技术的崛起已经导致了学生面对面交流能力的下降。 第四段:这段中有一个复合句:“However, it should be noted that technology itself is not good or bad; rather, it is the way it is used that determines its impact on education.” 主句是“However, it should be noted that technology itself is not good or bad; rather, it is the way it is used that determines its impact on education.”,从句是“that technology itself is not good or bad; rather, it is the way it is used that determines its impact on education”。主句使用一般现在时,强调应该注意到技术本身没有好坏之分。从句是对主句的解释和说明,使用了强调句型和并列结构,强调了使用方式决定了技术对教育的影。


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