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2019年05月22日14:54 来源:小站整理
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为大家带来媒体类类雅思写作话题预测,原题是:Some people think the developments of technology make people’s life more complex, so we should make the life simpler without using technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?一些人认为技术的发展使人们的生活变得更加复杂,所以我们应该不使用技术而让生活更简单。你在何种程度上同意或者不同意这个观点?本期小站雅思君提供了参考范文,友情提示,范文并不是唯一的高分模板,仅供模仿和思路指引,建议考生取长补短,切勿照搬照抄。



The way we live today is significantly different from the way our forefathers lived fifty or sixty years ago. Thanks to modern technology, today we have got just about every amenity we need to live a comfortable life. Some people believe that modern technology has made our lives more complicated. They are of the opinion that we should learn to do away with it. Is that possible? Let’s examine.

Modern technology might have made our lives more complicated, but one has got to admit that it has improved our lives in several other ways. For example, cars and buses have made commuting easier. Electricity has literally brightened our lives. Air conditioning has made summer months tolerable. Cell phones and internet make it possible to stay connected wherever we are. Home appliances are a boon for homemakers. Technology has also considerably improved our productivity.

On the flip side, technology has made our lives complicated too. There is no escaping from the always-on connectivity. Before the advent of cellphones and internet, taking a break was a whole lot easier. People just had to pack their bags and go to the place they like to unwind. Now that cellphone terminals are available in virtually every part of the world, people can never escape from their work or problems. Even when they are on a family vacation, few people can resist the temptation to check their work email. This need to stay constantly connected has only made our lives more stressful. Modern technology has also made us physically inactive and prone to develop several lifestyle diseases.

Does that mean that we should do without modern technology? Well, it is not as easy as it sounds. Technology is addictive. It is not easy to live without the technological innovations we are used to enjoying. Can anybody now think of a world where we don’t have access to electricity or telephone? The truth is that we can’t.

After analyzing the situation it is felt that though modern technology has made our lives more complicated, it is not something that we can do without. What we need to do is to use it responsibly.




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