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雅思双语阅读--从二次元到三次元 弹屏那些事儿

2015年03月24日11:36 来源:小站整理
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雅思双语阅读--从二次元到三次元 弹屏那些事儿图1


Sitting in a dark movie theater, leaning forward with your eyes fixed on the screen and hands clenching the edge of the seat, you hear the couple behind you “whisper”: “Is that Matt Damon?”


“Who is Matt Damon?”


“The guy who played in the Bourne series!”


Most of the time you roll your eyes, hating them for ruining your experience. But somewhat bizarrely, these interruptions have themselves become a form of entertainment – though at least, the creators of these “interruptions” have the good grace to do them in text form.


Video streaming websites in China have proven to be fertile ground for a giant community of “subtitles shooters” who revel in the creation and spread of memes, slang terms, and pop culture references, which find their way onto screens during movies, in subtitle form.


The “Bullet Subtitle” feature has been adopted by the biggest video websites in China such as Tudou and iQiyi, and even appeared during a theater screening of the paean to feminine materialism Tiny Times 3. It even made its way into classes when a professor at a university in Wuhan allowed students to create live subtitles during class presentations. This function also became possible during a live concert by Chinese pop duet Yu Quan.


The service, or phenomenon, is called 弹幕dàn mù, which literally translates to “bullet subtitles”. The word refers to the commentaries shooting across the screen, in the style of an arcade shooting game. Originally from Japan, “bullet subtitles” are said to have come to China thanks to anime lovers and followers of what would commonly be considered otaku culture.

这种服务,或是说现象,被称为“弹幕(dàn mù!筒子们再不要读错啦),翻译成“bullet subtitles”。这个名词指的是在屏幕上弹出的评论,以一种街机射击游戏的赶脚。最先起源日本,据说“弹幕”传到中国都是动漫爱好者的功劳,通常被看作是御宅族文化的一种。

Although initially “bullet subtitles”were offered for forms of animation that are often referred to as two-dimensional works (二次元, 2-D), three dimensional works (三次元) –those that involve real people such as films and TV shows –began following the trend.


Websites such as AcFun and Bilibili themselves became the subjects of affection and admiration.


To cinephiles, “bullet subtitles” sound like a blasphemous intrusion. But for “bullet subtitle” aficionados, they makes viewing more enjoyable, fulfilling, and worth repeating.



aficionado(来自西班牙语,←表示来自,a- ←af ←ad- ‘to’,fic做,-ion名词后缀,aficion相当于英语的affection,做了会产生作用、影响,情绪,感情、倾向→aficion 爱好,喜欢,西语aficionar 使爱好,使喜欢,-ado是来源上相当于英语后缀-ate的西班牙语过去分词后缀;爱好…的,爱好者)

n. 狂热爱好者;迷


Interactions among users: there are often discussions among viewers, such as if cheating is justified. Sometimes there can be a Q&A regarding other viewers’ comments, e.g. why Benedict Cumberbatch is called “Curly Fu”, why Watson is “peanut”, and why Kristen Stewart is “facial paralysis girl”.


Inside jokes or memes. For instance, the opening sequence of every Person of Interest episode begins with viewers filling the screen with “You/We are being made into a watch”. The joke first began when the opening line “we are being watched” was translated into a literal “we are made into a watch” early in the series, and viewers turned the mistranslation into a tradition.





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