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2014年11月25日17:16 来源:小站整理
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We all dream of living a long, happy life - often in a warmer, more relaxing climate than we are currently based. But where are the happiest places in the world?
A new map of 151 countries has revealed exactly which parts of the globe deliver long and happy lives for their citizens,  within the environmental limits of the planet.  And the results may surprise you: with Costa Rica, Colombia and Vietnam topping the league, the UK features at position 44 - higher than Germany (47), Spain (62),  Canada (65), Australia (76) and the US (105).
The map was compiled by the relocation website Movehub, using data from the latest Happy Planet Index (HPI) - a global measure of sustainable wellbeing. The HPI claims it 'measures what matters', rather than wealth: the extent to which countries deliver long, happy, sustainable lives for the people that live in them.
搬家网站Movehub收集最新的幸福星球指数(Happy Planet Index, HPI)——一项全球的可持续幸福标准,编写发布了该地图。幸福星球指数注重的是一定程度上哪个国家能为其居民提供幸福长寿的生活,而不是哪个国家最为富有。
Each of the three component measures – life expectancy,the level of well-being experienced and ecological footprint – is given a traffic-light score based on thresholds for good (green),middling (amber) and bad (red) performance.These scores are combined to an expanded six-colour traffic light for the overall HPI score, where to achieve bright green – the best of the six colours,a country would have to perform well on all three individual components.
In order to compile the data,researchers directly asked people in each country for their views.
Experienced well-being: This was assessed using a question called the 'Ladder of Life' from the Gallup World Poll. This asks respondents to imagine a ladder, where 0 represents the worst possible life and 10 the best possible life, and report the step of the ladder they feel they currently stand on.
幸福体验值:该部分使用了盖洛普世界民意调查(Gallup World Poll)名为“生命阶梯”(Ladder of Life)的一个问题。要求调查对象想象一个阶梯,0代表最糟的可能生活,10代表最佳的可能生活,并说明他们目前所过的生活处于哪个阶梯。
Life expectancy: Alongside experienced well-being, the Happy PIanet Index includes a universally important measure of health – life expectancy. We used life expectancy data from the 2011 UNDP Human Development Report.
预期寿命:除了幸福体验值,幸福星球指数也包含了一项普遍重要的健康标准——预期寿命。我们使用的预期寿命数据来自2011年联合国开发计划署的人类发展报告(2011 UNDP Human Development Report)。
Ecological Footprint. The HPI uses the Ecological Footprint promoted by the environmental charity WWF as a measure of resource consumption. It is a per capita measure of the amount of land required to sustain a country’s consumption patterns, measured in terms of global hectares (g ha) which represent a hectare of land with average productive biocapacity.
Two of the three main factors are directly about happiness. The third (Ecological footprint) is regarded as sustainable happiness. i.e. whether a country could sustain its citizens without any outside help.
The idea is that if there was an incident which cut a country completely off from the outside world, or a country had to be completely self-sufficient, most of the developed world would be unable to do that (without losing a lot of its population first).
The reason for some high-income nations to score significantly below other nations is the ecological footprint left on the planet. Mexicans and Canadians both appear to be happier than their US neighbour - most likely due to the country's ecological footprint.
雅思词汇【趣味雅思阅读】世界上最幸福的国家在哪里图3 雅思听力【趣味雅思阅读】世界上最幸福的国家在哪里图4 雅思阅读【趣味雅思阅读】世界上最幸福的国家在哪里图5 雅思写作【趣味雅思阅读】世界上最幸福的国家在哪里图6 雅思口语【趣味雅思阅读】世界上最幸福的国家在哪里图7 雅思热点【趣味雅思阅读】世界上最幸福的国家在哪里图8
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