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2015年03月05日10:34 来源:小站整理
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考前突击:雅思口语part 1新题补充及问题答案(汇总)


2月12日&14日雅思口语难题分析之PART 2人物类第二弹



小站名师:2月雅思口语热点难题分析Part 2人物类

这次讲的是人物类热点题“厨师”。谁是你心中的好厨师呢?小站名师就在此给出大家针对这个问题的相关part 2&3的答案参考,帮助考生在短时间内客服对新题的准备不足的恐惧。

人物类热点题,新题(part 2&3)

• Describe a person you know who is good at cooking.

You should say

Who this person is?

What is your relationship with this person?

What kinds of food he or she cooks?

And explain why you think this person is so good at cooking

Sample answer:

The person that I think is good at cooking is my dad. Well actually he has really been a professional cook in a big restaurant when he was young but only for 1 year. I have to say that no matter how many restaurants and nice food I’ve tried, my dad’s food is always my beloved. It’s because firstly, it’s customized and special for my taste. Secondly, it makes me feel like home. Just with a mouthful daddy’s food, when I close my eyes, I can visualized a warm and cozy family atmosphere. No matter where I am or how far I’ve travelled to, when I was thinking of daddy’s food, I feel like home again. The type of food that my daddy cooked is mostly the typical Shanghainese cuisine and partly Cantonese and north-west Chinese style. You know, we Shanghainese people are more into our local foods which are famous for it’s sweet and sour taste, another feather is that we place a lot of sauce and seasoning in the food to make it more flavorful. Although Shanghainese people are fond of local food, it doesn’t mean that we are not ok with the others. Cantonese food could be the second choice besides that, which my dad can also cook well. Moreover, I like north-west food a lot, it seems like Turkish food actually, my dad doesn’t cook this kind of cuisine so often, but sometimes, it could be a surprise for us too. The reason why I think my dad is good at cook it not only the versatile food style he can do but also the cooking technique he acquired. For example, he can cook a dish according to your description and preference in the shortest time, which I believe is really hard.

Moreover, the my dad’s food cooking process is really money-saving and healthy, he is always with a low budget but great ingredients which means he know how to choose the stuff he need in a rational way. Last but not the least, he try his best to use less seasoning but still keeps the food in a good flavor, because of that, I think he really is a magician which can use the own flavor of ingredients and use them in the perfect portion.


• How often do Chinese people cook at home?

I think the frequency of Chinese people cooking at home is large. From my own experience I think most of the family will cook at home almost everyday. But in weekends, people sometimes will hangout for dinner, most of them are young people, for friends gathering. But the old people will still eat at home.

• There are more restaurants these days, do you think people will eat out more?

I think the times that people eat in the restaurant are increasing. Nowadays, our living standard are very much enhanced compared to the past, and people tend to be more likely to eat outside since there are many fancy restaurants out there.

• Do schools have cooking classes in your country?

Well, not yet. Cooking is not even a selective course in any full-time normal school. But there are certain kinds of cooking school for those who want to improve their cooking skills or even want to be a cook.



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