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2016年4月雅思口语part3高频话题范文及语料:a person you spend time with

2016年04月19日13:41 来源:小站教育作者:小站雅思编辑
参与(1) 阅读(5488)
摘要:分享雅思口语part 3话题:Talk about a person that you spend a lot of time with参考范文及语料库。描述你花很多时间陪伴的一个人,这篇范文里描述的是自己的妈妈,为什么花很多时间陪妈妈呢?去文中找答案吧!

今天分享的雅思口语part3的话题:Talk about a person that you spend a lot of time with.描述一个你花很多时间陪伴的人。我想我们陪的最多的人应该是家人和朋友吧!家人是从我们出生就围绕在身边的人,朋友是我们人生路上不可缺少的人。遇到这样的话题怎么描述呢,一起来看看吧!文末有语料库,一般人我不告诉他哦~

2016年4月雅思口语part3高频话题范文及语料:a person you spend time with图1



Talk about a person that you spend a lot of time with.

You should say:

Who is he/she?

What is your relationship with him/her?

What kind of activities do you do together?

and explain why you spend a lot of time with this person.

Sample answer:

Recently I’ve been spending a lot of time with my mother because she was diagnosed with cancer. It’s been a difficult time for our family .Before,we’ve always been a close family and had a good relationship with each other, but since the bad news attacked my mother, I have tried to spend as much time as possible with her and accompany her to her medical appointments . It’s a very stressful experience for all of us and we still don’t know what the final outcome will be but we’re being positive, optimistic and praying for her and making sure she is well taken care of.

It’s strange, but since she was diagnosed with cancer, even the smallest little activities have become important, such as drinking a cup of tea together and just talking about things, helping her do some things around the home, and just spending time with her-it really doesn’t matter how insignificant the activity is – it’s become super special and important to just share as much time with her as possible.

I’ve also made an effort, as has my brother and sister, to get home as often as possible and eat lunch together or spend whatever spare time we have with my mother.


be diagnosed with 被诊断为...

pray for 为...祈祷

insignificant 微不足道的

2016年4月雅思口语part3高频话题范文及语料:a person you spend time with图2


1.I always like spend some time with my friends and spend some time with my family . Why I prefer this is, because, spending some time with friends will have fun, will get different career ideas about the life and spending some time by thinking with those ideas to finalize which option is good for my future. Firstly, spending some time with friends will give fun and happy. Going restaurant,for example, will give pleasure and enjoy different dishes. Moreover,going to theater, have fun and leave our sorrows by seeing the movie with our friends. There is chance to get idea for career from the movie and from the friends. Instead of spending most time with friends, spending less time with frineds will give fun, and pleasure.

finalize 定妥,把...确定下来


2.Don't go looking around desperately for love, instead just meet new people and see if you like spending time with them. Love has a way of surfacing when you least expect it, so look for a good time instead. Love will come along before you know it, just as long as you are ready for it.

desperately 不顾一切地


3.Just spending a little time with someone shows that you care, shows that they are important enough that you’ve chosen ,out of all the things to do on your busy schedule, to find the time for them. And if you go beyond that , and truly connect with them, through good conversation, that says even more. Many times its our actions, not just our words, that really speak what our hearts feel.



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