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雅思口语题库话题part2范文something you’ve always wanted to do想做未做的事

2017年11月23日16:17 来源:小站整理
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摘要:本文给大家带来雅思口语part2范文Describe something you’ve always wanted to do(想做而未做的事) ,范文内容为考虑在第一个世界国家定居,以获得更好的学习环境和工作就会,并且始终在努力中。范文由高分考生所作。坚持每日练一道雅思口语,临场发挥更自信,口语冲7你也可以。

首段:为大家带来雅思口语题库话题高分范文,话题有关Describe something you’ve always wanted to do(想做而未做的事),内容为计划移民第一世界国家,以获得更好的学习和工作条件。文末附口语高分语料,备考口语怎么能少了雅思口语范文,好货不等人,还不速速收藏,高分范文在手,屠鸭说走就走。范文自取:


雅思口语题库话题part2范文something you’ve always wanted to do想做未做的事图1

回归:雅思口语范文汇总——想做而未能做的事(something you’ve always wanted to do)




My desire to settle and work in a first world country is yet to be achieved. This is an ambition and plan I want to realise for a long time. After I got admitted to the university, I had some double about my major, which is 'Social Science'. To be honest I was a bit frustrated not to study either in Engineering or in Medicine. However, in few months I started loving this subject I was studying and started feeling the immense possibility this might have in my future. That I considered settling in a first world country for the higher study and work.

To be more precise, I have this ambition for the last 5 years. This ambition started forming in my head when I was in the second term in my university which would be around June 2011.

First of all, I need a really impressive result in my Masters Degree program so that I can get a scholarship in a reputed university. The admission in a top rated university in a first world country would be the first step in fulfilling my ambition. Then I would need to study and research really hard to have a prominent presence there so that I can get a decent job offer. My dedication, determination and hard work would be the vital factors for achieving this ambition.

This is very important for me to work and settle in a first world country. First of all, I have a fascination about researching in my study field and I am sure that would be better facilitated in a first world country. The career prospect and research facilities in my country are not that promising and I have an aspiration to contribute to a great extent in the arena I have my knowledge. Considering all these, it’s really important for me to achieve my ambition.



yet to be achieved

To be more precise

fulfill ones ambition

achieve my ambition

research facilities


However, in few months I started loving this subject I was studying and started feeling the immense possibility this might have in my future.

Then I would need to study and research really hard to have a prominent presence there so that I can get a decent job offer.

The career prospect and research facilities in my country are not that promising and I have an aspiration to contribute to a great extent in the arena I have my knowledge.




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