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2018年5月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:一首有趣的歌

2018年04月08日09:42 来源:小站整理
参与(10) 阅读(13293)
摘要:5月雅思口语换题季又来啦,来一波雅思口语新题预测刺激一下各位考鸭的小心心。送上口语Part2新题预测之:一首有趣的歌(Describe an interesting song you like)。附参考范文,内容有关:Both Of Us by BOB and Taylor Swift。

又到了紧张的2018年5月雅思口语变题季,各位考鸭们,你们准备好了吗?小站雅思君特奉上一份口语新题预测为各位壮士送行。本文雅思口语新题预测话题:一首有趣的歌(Describe an interesting song you like),附有口语参考范文,内容有关:Both Of Us by BOB and Taylor Swift,这首歌是关于那些试图实现他们梦想的人。它讲述了他们的斗争,他们的情感,以及当世界拒绝他们时的感受。

2018年5月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:一首有趣的歌图1

一首有趣的歌 Describe an interesting song you like

You should say:

What it is

Which country the song comes from

What story the song tells

And explain why you think it is interesting.

雅思口语Part 2范文:Both Of Us

主题:Both Of Us by BOB and Taylor Swift


I really love music and over the years there are lot many songs that have come up to inspire me and help me to get out of the rut that I am living in. But, the one song that I really fell in love and have enjoyed over the years is, “Both Of Us by BOB and Taylor Swift”.

The song is about the people who are trying to fulfill their dreams. It talks off their struggle, their emotions and how they feel when the world rejects them. The singer says that he is there for all of the people who are trying to fulfill their dreams. It is about how it is not about just lifting yourself from rut but also the people near you.

I love this song because in some ways it helps me to stay focused and move on towards my dreams. It is very motivating and the background music is amazing. I remember hearing this song on a loop when the days are tough and I am not able to do anything. Because it is on these days that I can fully relate with this song.

Most of the people hear to it, most probably the ones who are bothered about something or are trying hard to achieve something in their lives. It is that powerful, that strong, that you can actually feel powered hearing it.




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