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2023年10月19日10:57 来源:小站整理
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The chart below provides information about the number of hours of rainfall in four different cities over a period of 12 months.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The graph below shows that over a period of 12 months, the four cities - Mumbai, Delhi, Sao Paulo, and London - have received variable amounts of rainfall. Mumbai, the city that receives the most rainfall, is a clear outlier when compared to the other cities. Delhi and Sao Paulo received around the same amount of rainfall, with Delhi experiencing slightly more rainfall than Sao Paulo. London, on the other hand, received the least amount of rainfall when compared to all the other cities.

It is worth noting that rainfall patterns vary greatly even between cities in close proximity to each other. Mumbai and Delhi, which are both located in India and separated by a distance of around 2000 kilometers, received significantly different amounts of rainfall. The monthly pattern of rainfall also varies from city to city. For example, Mumbai experiences its peak rainfall during the month of July, while Delhi experiences its peak during the month of July. However, Sao Paulo and London both experience their peak rainfall during the month of December.

In conclusion, there is a clear difference in the amount of rainfall received by each city over a period of 12 months. Mumbai stands out as an outlier with significantly higher amounts of rainfall when compared to all the other cities. Delhi and Sao Paulo received around the same amount of rainfall, with Delhi experiencing slightly more rainfall than Sao Paulo. London, on the other hand, received the lowest amount of rainfall when compared to all the other cities studied.



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