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2017年03月06日15:14 来源:互联网
参与(13) 阅读(12186)


Many young people today leave school with a negative attitude towards learning. Why? What Can be done to encourage a positive attitude to learning in young people ?




Many young people are having a negative attitude to learning and this is true especially after their graduation. This essay will analyze some possible reasons for this and suggest potential ways to reverse the case.

The major reason is that students and sometimes even parents and teachers have a distorted recognition Of education. Many Of them believe that the purpose Of receiving education is simply to guarantee a future career and gaining a better chance of employment is the single goal that motivates them. But today even after having graduated from school, young people are not ensured Of a suitable job. They have witnessed examples of their seniors who are still struggling to find jobs and those who have found jobs are being underpaid and exploited.

Another important reason should be due to the fact that courses of study are often forced upon students and (their aptitudes and interests are barely taken into consideration. For example, a student who wants to make his or her career in the field of literature is forced to study be positive about his or evaluate the learning process, which should easily discourage the interests in learning. Unfortunately, test-wise students can often perform well on exams without having good underlying knowledge or skills. It is easy to notice that many teachers and learners focus only on those aspects of the curriculum to be tested; thus narrowing the educational experience for all.

However, there are several steps and actions that can be taken to bring back the attitude of young people. First and foremost, the whole education experience of students should be less examination-oriented and instead Of preparing them for the future tests, there should be a wide range of subjects to develop their interests and other skills. Also, students should be encouraged to become more involved in making their choices and plans in study, which would promote their motivation in a desirable way. Additionally, teachers and parents who need counseling in teaching and bringing up children should be supported by related authorities and organizations, such as offering them seminars provided by experienced professionals.( 365words )



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