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2017年04月11日16:02 来源:小站教育作者:小站雅思编辑
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In many countries, people decide to have children at a later age than in the past? Why? Do advantages of this development outweigh disadvantages?人们推迟生育孩子的时间,这种现象的原因?利弊?




It is a common tendency that the younger generation prefers to pos官方真题Officialne their parenthood until late 30’s or early 40’s.

This trend involved in several reasons and the most rooted one is that compared with the generation of their parents and grandparents, the youth bear enormous mental stress and are confronted with fiercer competitions in the workplace. Obviously, under such a circumstance, committing to a family or looking after children at 20’s, which means tremendous dedication and responsibility is not a preferable choice. In addition, the cost of raising children is higher especially in most metropolis around the world. The statistics shows the annual expenditure on children’s training courses, foods, clothing as well as toys before being enrolled into primary school is at least as high as 100,000 yuan in Shanghai, a megacity of China. It is difficult for a young couple to shoulder the heavy financial burden. What’s more, the pursuit of independence, freedom and individual development is more intense than before. Having a child early, the parents can hardly spare time in cultivating interests, hanging out with friends or enjoying the romantic moment only belonging to each other.

Regarding to impacts of this lifestyle, people from different backgrounds advocate diverse opinions. As far as I am concerned, the benefits are far more than drawbacks. First and foremost, it is much easier for those parents to cover the expenses on child rearing. It must be admitted that the salary of new employees is much lower than middle-aged experienced colleagues; besides most entrepreneurs achieve success in fortune at their 30’s or even 40’s. Apparently, a steady and an affluent economic foundation enables children to receive first-tier education and experience higher living standards. It is worth mentioning that parents’ influence serves the backbone in the formation of children’s characters. A father or mother who is mature in terms of mental development and pressure management sets a good example for their kids. In other words, children raised in such a family tend to be gentle, patient and self-disciplined.

In conclusion, it is a quite normal phenomenon in contemporary society. And, parents should deliberate and make full preparations before making the decision to give birth to a child.

(365 words)范文原创自小站范钰红老师



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