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2017年12月18日09:23 来源:小站整理
参与(18) 阅读(34027)
摘要:为大家带来12月16日雅思写作大作文高分参考范文之媒体类话题:Some people think that social networking sites have a huge negative impact on both individual and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?关于社交媒体的争议,请看高分范文详情。

12月16场的雅思写作话题为媒体类话题:Some people think that social networking sites have a huge negative impact on both individual and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?关于社交媒体对个人和社会的争议还在继续,你在哪些方面同意或者不同意呢?为大家带来高分参考范文,范文来自雅思哥。




Many people today use social networking sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn etc. On social media sites like these, users may develop biographical profiles, communicate with friends and strangers do research, and share thoughts, photos, music, links, and more. In general, I think social networking sites have exerted desirable impacts on people and society as a whole.

Social media spreads information faster than any other media. Nowadays, many traditional media reporters use social media to check for breaking news, and an increasing proportion of the public regard social media sites as their preferred news source compared to television, radio and the print media. This is mainly because social media uses have been responsible for reporting events before traditional media outlets.

More importantly, social media sits empower individuals to make social change and do social good on a community even national level. People today have easier access to unveiling social problems and they have become more connected to the society by exchanging opinions with others who share the same concerns in life. This trend increases people's participation in social events, which encourages the government to address issues in various fields.

However, that is not to say that social media websites bring about no problems. One of the biggest concern is safety. With the increasing virus threats and well-trained hackers, online individual information might be exposed to risks, for example, the wide-spread problem of identity theft. Therefore, when making the most of the desirable changes brought social media, people should be aware of the potential downsides and rules and regulations should be conducted, to minimize the negative impacts.

In conclusion, I believe that social media websites are helping instead of hindering the life of us.




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