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2023年04月24日11:47 来源:小站整理
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摘要:请看下面的雅思大作文范文: Nowadays, many countries provide medical insurance to their citizens. In what ways can government improve their medical insurance policies?


Nowadays, many countries provide medical insurance to their citizens. In what ways can government improve their medical insurance policies?

Nowadays, the majority of the countries all over the world have established the medical insurance system to meet the basic medical care needs of citizens. However, it is undeniable that there is often room for improvement in the policy of medical insurance offered by the government. In this essay, several suggestions for improving the policy of medical insurance will be discussed.

Firstly, the government must improve the scope of protection of medical insurance. Although most countries have established the medical insurance system, the coverage scope still needs to be widened, especially for individuals who are deprived of medical care. For example, people with rare and incurable diseases or who suffer from disabilities may have difficulty obtaining medical care without appropriate medical assurance.

Secondly, the government should improve the level of subsidy for medical care. In many countries, the subsidy for medical insurance still needs to be improved, so there is a risk that high medical expenses will be beyond the coverage limit of medical insurance, resulting in an economic burden for disadvantaged groups. Limitations on the co-pay amount by individuals are also necessary to avoid impoverishing individuals to pay for medical bills.

Thirdly, the government can cooperate with private medical institutions to provide more comprehensive medical services. It is common for medical care resources to be quite limited in government-funded hospitals, resulting in long waiting times for medical treatment. The government could cooperate with private medical institutions to expand the medical care system and reduce patients' medical waiting time, especially for those with serious illnesses.

Fourthly, the government should improve the transparency of medical insurance policy. In some countries, medical insurance policy may be ambiguous and confusing to the general public, and therefore difficult for individuals to understand. Governments should pay attention to this deficiency and enhance the transparency of medical insurance policy, so the general public can better understand the content and benefits of policy coverage.

Finally, the government can seek international cooperation to introduce advanced medical policies and technical expertise into the country. With technological advancement, new medical equipment and treatment services emerge quickly. The government should keep their knowledge on the mode of medical insurance up-to-date by gathering knowledge from various countries, and integrate it into their own system.

In conclusion, the policy of medical insurance is a crucial aspect of the country's social welfare programs in various countries. In this essay, several ways were proposed for improving medical insurance policy: expanding coverage, improving subsidies, enhancing transparency, strengthening cooperation with private enterprises, and introducing advanced knowledge from abroad. It is expected that the government will consider and implement these suggestions to ensure that everyone can enjoy quality medical care.


1.Can the viewpoints of this article apply to all countries' healthcare policies?

2.In what areas should the government strengthen the openness and transparency of medical insurance policies?

3. How can the government collaborate with private medical institutions to provide better medical services?

4.How does the government distinguish between medical bills that individuals can write and the inclusion of medical insurance?

5. The article did not discuss the issue of some countries' medical insurance systems being relatively advanced compared to developed countries. Do these countries' medical insurance policies need to be improved?



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