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Describe a toy you had in your childhood.小站独家解析

You should say

When you got it
What it looked like
Who gave it to you
And explain how you used it (how you played with it).

The toy I wanna talk about is a set of toy blocks in my childhood. It was a birthday gift from my father when I was 6 years old. I still remember when I got this gift, I was quite excited and crazy about its amazing design. It consisted of many colorful plastic blocks and they are in a different size. According to the blueprint, I could assemble and connect the blocks to construct various objects such as buildings, vehicles and bridges and so on. Also, I was not subject to the objects that were illustrated in the blueprint. I could take apart the blocks and reconstruct a new figure I designed. It brought a lot of fun into my childhood. I can use that toy to design and build up my dream house. You know, children are always full of imagination and creativity. Every time I finished my masterpiece I was quite proud of myself and really enjoyed a sense of accomplishment. At that time, because of this toy, I even dreamed of becoming a great construction designer in the future.


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