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Describe a movie you would like to watch again.Sample Answer2

You should say

What it was about
When and where you watched it
Who you watched it with
And explain why you would like to watch it again.

The Disney animated film Brave is my favorite movie, and I will never get bored of (厌倦)watching it. Maybe you have heard about it since it has won the 85th Academy Award for Best Animated Feature in 2013. In this film, the main character is a Scottish princess named Merida who defies an age-old custom, causing chaos in the kingdom by expressing the desire to not be betrothed(许配). After asking a witch for help, Merida made a mistake and transformed her mother into a bear. She had to find out the solution to save her mother and she met a lot of difficulties but she was brave enough to overcome them. There is no real actor in this movie since it’s an animate film. I actually watched it a couple of days ago at home with my friend since she recommended it to me. We downloaded the movie from the Internet. Frankly speaking, I didn’t expect it to touch me but it turned out to be different. The genuine love between them and Merida reminded me of my own mother who I haven’t seen for several months. How to balance the expectations of parents and one’s own dream is also a thing that this film tells us. Another reason why I would like to watch it again is that this was the first Disney movie without a handsome prince. As a big fan of Disney film, I’m so happy to see that Disney has thought out of the box (打破陈规)and is seeking for more definitions of true love.

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