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Describe a song you remembered in your childhood.Sample Answer3

You should say

Where you first heard this song or melody
How old you were when you first heard it
What the song (or melody) was about
And explain how you felt when you heard this song.

Well, if you let me describe a song I remembered in my childhood, the first idea that comes into my mind is Season in the Sun, which is conducted by a famous band called West life. I still remember that the first time when I heard it is on a certain party. 

At that time I was only eight years old, and I was attracted by the romantic and fascinating rhythm. I was too young to understand the lyrics because it was an English song, but I appreciate the catchy tune of this song. Therefore, I hoped someday I could understand it intensively.

When I was 10 years old which is one year later, with the help of the internet, I got to know that it was first made by a French composer who was diagnosed with cancer. It was the last piece of music work before he said goodbye to this family and all of the world. Later, this song was revised by lots of musicians and came into being a master piece forever. Since then, it has been one of my favorite songs. 

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