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2017年04月17日10:59 来源:小站整理
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天气越来越热,正在备考中的烤鸭,是否也躁动不安了呢!为大家奉上镇定剂【2017年5月雅思口语话题预测】。大家都知道,每年1月、5月、9月雅思都会对现有口语话题卡(包括Part1、Part2&3)进行撤换,部分题目不再出现,陆续出现新题;预计换题量约为四分之一到三分之一。根据以往的换题规律,目前共计有必考话题道话题part1有12道,part2有14道! 最新最地道范文持续更新中。



Hometown家乡 work/study 学习工作
your home家
Mirror 镜子
dream 梦
parents 父母 going out外面耍
Describe a historical event from your country 历史事件
Describe an interesting neighbour of yours 有趣邻居
interesting house or apartment you visited 有趣的住家
Describe a decision you disagree with 不同意的决定
Describe a family member you are proud of骄傲家人
Describe an enjoyable experience you had in the countryside 乡村妙遇
Describe the weather you like最爱天气
Describe a cafe 咖啡馆
Describe a quiet place安静之所
Describe a foreign food you ate 外国食品
Describe a book that you want to read again 想再读的书
Describe an experience that you're not allowed to use your phone 禁用手机
Describe a popular swimming place游泳之地
Describe two people from the same family二人来自同一家庭


part1 weather

1.How is the weather today?

It’s really lovely today. There were a few showers this morning and it was a bit chilly, but it has brightened up this afternoon and I think it will stay that way for the rest of the day.

2.What’s your favourite kind of weather?

It depends what I’m doing really. If I’m doing something outside, I like the weather to be sunny but not too hot because it gets a bit uncomfortable after a while. If I’m inside, I love listening to the rain beating against the window and the wind howling outside.

3.What is the climate like in your country?

I’m from Ireland, so the thing people always complain about is the rain. It is right on the edge of Europe so we get lots of rain rolling in off the Atlantic. However, because we are an island it means that we don’t get very harsh winters and it hardly ever snows. I think temperate is the word to describe our climate- not too hot, not too cold.

4.Does the weather effect people’s lives in your country?

Yes, very much so. In the winter it is really grey all the time and it gets dark very early in the afternoon. The lack of sunlight leads to some people getting a bit depressed and I imagine that’s why people drink much more wine and whiskey in the winter to cope with how dull everything is.

5.Do people change in the summer?

Absolutely, as soon as the sun starts to shine and it gets warmer, people start to have barbecues, do more outdoor activities and are generally happier. Unfortunately, it doesn’t last very long but people definitely make the most of it while the weather is good.

6.Is there any type of weather you really don’t like?

I don’t mind when it’s raining or windy and I don’t mind when it’s cold, but when it’s cold, windy and raining all that the same time, well that’s horrible, especially if you have to work or do something outside. I remember when we were at school we would have to go outside in horrible weather to do P.E. and I detested every minute of it.

7.Does bad weather ever effect transport in your country?

As I said before, it rarely snows, but when it does the transportation system collapses. People are just not used to driving in the snow and the whole country pretty much grinds to a halt. Buses and trains normally stop running completely until the snow thaws.

8. Is it worse to feel too hot or too cold?

Well, I suppose if it’s too cold you can just wear more layers, but nevertheless I prefer to be too hot. At least it means the weather is good, and you can always go for a swim to cool down. What I really can’t stand is being cold and wet. That’s the worst combination and it makes me worry that I’m going to catch a cold.

9.Does the weather affect your mood?

Yes... Cold, gloomy days put me in a bad mood. I love summertime, when it's warm and sunny.

10.What is your favourite season?

Well, I think it's spring... The weather is very pleasant and it's nice to see everything come back to life and blossom.

11.Do you always pay attention to the weather forecast?

Yes, as Beijing is facing more and more oppressive haze, I always keep a watchful eye on the weather forecast. I installed an app in my mobile phone, and see the indicator of PM 2.5. It has been a routine for me.



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