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雅思口语题库话题范文汇总之a city/town you’ve visited that you like喜欢的城市

2017年11月21日15:14 来源:小站整理作者:小站雅思编辑
参与(2) 阅读(11816)
摘要:为大家带来3篇雅思口语题库高分范文,话题有关a city/town you’ve visited that you like,喜欢的城市,分别有希腊克里特岛,越南胡志明市和奥斯丁第六大道。3篇外国人原创范文,篇篇精彩不容错过,文末附高分语料哦。范文广泛适用于各位考鸭,还不速速收藏,高分范文在手,屠鸭说走就走。

雅思口语题库话题范文来哉,本期带来Describe a city/town you’ve visited that you like(喜欢的城市),共3篇高分原创范文,范文内容有越南胡志明市,德克萨斯州奥斯汀及(希腊)克里特岛,用词地道,表达流畅,统统打包带走。友情提示:雅思口语高分秘诀不在于全文背诵范文,取范文之所长为你所用,在考场上对答如流,口语7分不在话下。话不多说,范文自取:


雅思口语题库话题范文汇总之a city/town you’ve visited that you like喜欢的城市图1

Describe a city/town you’ve visited that you like

You should say:

Where is it

When did you go there

What did you do their

And explain why you like it



范文分析:I enjoyed my stay there very much, as I had not had a holiday for ages and needed to switch off from working. We didn't do much sightseeing, although Xania itself has a long and fascinating history so went to the local museum in order to learn more about it. I spent a lot of time reading books and swimming in the sea, which I must admit was quite a lot colder than I thought it would be. I also enjoyed eating the delicious Cretan food, and walking around the ancient streets in the town.

高分语料:I spent a lot of time reading books and swimming in the sea, which I must admit was quite a lot colder than I thought it would be.



范文分析:Also, I suppose I should really say that Ho Chi Minh posse a dynamic life style that attracts young people who want to build a brilliant social position. There are many reasons supporting my view that are an open atmosphere, a practical attitude, a mix culture, a rapid rhythm … Indeed, this city provides everyone so many chances to grow up our careers everywhere every time. Education and Formation, Arts and Entertainment, Commerce and Trade, Mechanic and Industry… every section is on the way of developing.

高分语料: I suppose I should really say that Ho Chi Minh posse a dynamic life style that attracts young people who want to build a brilliant social position.



范文分析:Sixth Street is filled with bars, nightclubs, and restaurants, and you can listen to many different types of music from country and western to blues, jazz, and good old rock n roll. I’m personally a fan of rock n roll and to my delight I found a bar called Maggie Mae’s that had a local musician playing some of my favorite hits such as Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison.

高分语料:Sixth Street is filled with ...... and you can listen to many different types of music from ...... I’m personally a fan of ......and to my delight I found......that......




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