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2024年07月03日10:07 来源:小站整理
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雅思小作文主要包括四种类型:柱状图(Bar Chart)、线型图(Line Graph)、饼状图(Pie Chart)和表格(Table)。以下是根据这些类型提供的范文示例,每个范文都将遵循清晰的回答格式,并尽量结合文章中的相关数字和信息进行归纳。

1. 柱状图(Bar Chart)范文



The bar chart illustrates the annual usage of various modes of transportation in a city from 2018 to 2022. Overall, it is evident that the use of public transport has experienced a notable increase, while private car usage has remained relatively stable.

Specifically, in 2018, the number of people using bicycles stood at approximately 2 million, which was surpassed by bus users at around 3.5 million. The usage of taxis, on the other hand, was the lowest among all modes, with just over 1 million passengers. Over the subsequent years, bicycle usage surged dramatically, reaching a peak of 5 million in 2022, representing a significant growth of 150%.

In contrast, bus usage experienced a more modest increase, rising from 3.5 million to 4.2 million passengers by 2022. Meanwhile, the number of private car users remained fairly constant, hovering around 4 million throughout the period. Notably, taxi usage also increased slightly, from 1.1 million to 1.3 million, albeit at a slower pace compared to bicycles and buses.

In conclusion, the bar chart highlights a shift in transportation preferences towards more environmentally friendly options, with bicycles emerging as the fastest-growing mode of transportation.

2. 线型图(Line Graph)范文



The line graph depicts the fluctuations in GDP growth rate and unemployment rate in a country from 2010 to 2020. Overall, the graph reveals an inverse relationship between the two indicators, with GDP growth rate generally rising as unemployment rate declines.

From 2010 to 2013, the GDP growth rate experienced a steady increase, climbing from 2% to 4%. Concurrently, the unemployment rate fell from 8% to 6%, indicating a positive economic outlook. However, in 2014, both indicators underwent significant changes. The GDP growth rate dipped slightly to 3.5%, while the unemployment rate surged to 7%, possibly due to external economic shocks.

Subsequently, the economy regained momentum, with GDP growth rate surpassing its previous peak in 2016, reaching 5%. Correspondingly, the unemployment rate continued to decline, dropping below 5% by 2018. The positive trend persisted until 2020, when the GDP growth rate stabilized at around 4.5%, while the unemployment rate remained low at 4.2%.

In summary, the line graph underscores the intricate interplay between economic growth and employment levels, demonstrating how changes in one can significantly impact the other.

3. 饼状图(Pie Chart)范文



The pie chart provides a breakdown of the salary distribution among employees of a company in 2023. The chart reveals that the majority of employees fall into the mid-salary range, while a smaller proportion earns either low or high salaries.

Specifically, the largest slice of the pie, accounting for 45%, represents employees earning salaries in the middle range (between 30,000and50,000). This group comprises the core workforce of the company. The second largest segment, comprising 30% of the total, consists of employees earning low salaries (below $30,000), potentially including entry-level or part-time workers.

On the other hand, only 15% of employees earn high salaries (above 70,000),likelyrepresentingseniormanagementorspecializedpersonnel.Theremaining1050,000 and $70,000), bridging the gap between the mid- and high-salary groups.

In conclusion, the pie chart illustrates a diverse salary structure within the company, with a concentration of employees in the mid-salary range and a smaller proportion earning either low or high salaries.

4. 表格(Table)范文




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