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9月雅思口语part2预测话题:a method that helps you save money

2016年05月13日17:12 来源:小站教育作者:小站雅思编辑
参与(21) 阅读(39155)
摘要:2016年9月雅思口语part2预测话题:Describe a method that helps you save money。这道题似乎是有点超前了吧,对于大多数还是在读学生的烤鸭来说,你跟他们将节约的妙招。这个难度有点大哇!所以,此话题难度稍大。但只要你手上有钱,你就肯定考虑过省钱。所以,看你的临场发挥了。

雅思口语part2话题:Describe a method that helps you save money.省钱妙招

you should say:

what the method is

when you started to use it

how you knew it and explain why it is helpful

9月雅思口语part2预测话题:a method that helps you save money图1



前面有提到,这道话题偏难,难不是在于你完全陌生,而是像是一个突然袭击,把你给打蒙了,一时半会儿想不出自己曾经为省钱做过的平凡的小事。其实冷静下来想一想,我们常说的货比三家(shop comparison),线下挑选线上购买(showrooming),平日不买,节日打折促销时才买(promotion purchase),都算是省钱的方法,当然这些方法都算是很实际的小方法,在该雅思话题的语料中,小编还为大家还列举了一堆从习惯入手来讲的一些根本性的省钱大法。


I made a compromise with my addiction to the paper book by reading more ebooks instead. That saves me 1000 a year.

Well, I am an avid book lover and if you really understand what a good book means to a true bibliophile, then you should know it is not uncommon that they buy far more books than they can possibly read. I just can’t help it since I enjoy going to the bookstore when it is possible. it feels great to rest with a book at a random corner in the sea of books and know that people around you are book lover as well. But more going to the books store means more book purchases and I want to curse the world for it brings us so many wonderful books at such a staggering pace. what’s worse, online purchase is so convenient that even I have no time to the book store I frequent, I can buy whatever books I want. By the way, it feels great too to receive the delivery of books at my door.

The books I own growing rapidly, so do ones I am yet to read. it is a toil every time I moved to a new rented home and it is a much greater one every time I saw the stacks of unread book lie there silently, and they all cost me a big chunk of my income. So after I moved to a new house again, I made a long and hard self-reflection on my weakness about books. I consulted several friends who were book lover as well, I search on google for more similar stories and advice.

what useful and practical advice I got were avoiding spending triggers and getting ebooks. I intended to cut me off from activity or places that can trigger spending. I went to book stores, online or offline, far less frequently, while instead I spent more time on reading. And as for the ebooks, it has taken me some time to warm up to ebooks, but I’m almost there. I know they can save me money — especially if I head to Project Gutenberg and get books in the public domain. Many great, literary classics are available for free via Project Gutenberg and other outlets. Over time, you can save quite a bit by not paying for physical books.

To form a habit is boring and sometimes tiring, but after it take roots, things begin to play out naturally. I read more, pay less, and more importantly I am happier.



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