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雅思口语part2题库话题原创范文a car journey汽车旅行

2017年11月23日13:30 来源:小站整理
参与(7) 阅读(16036)
摘要:本期口语话题Describe a car journey you went on一次汽车旅行,范文来自考生原创,讲述暑假全家自驾去四川九寨沟旅行的经历。世界那么大就是要去看看。考试倒计时,还不速速练习起来,口语高分范文助你屠鸭成功。

为大家带来雅思口语part2事件类话题范文:Describe a car journey you went on 汽车旅行,范文由考生原创,主题有关一次愉快的暑期自驾游经历,目的地是四川九寨沟。在雅思考试中,雅思口语回答,是需要一些核心的词汇、正确句型、以及良好的表达心态。这样我们才能言之有物,有话可说。友情提示,范文篇幅过长,仅作备考口语的参考材料,口语提分关键还是多积累,勤加练习。

Describe a car journey you went on

You should say:

where you went

when and why you went there

what landscapes you saw

and explain why this was such an unforgettable trip


雅思口语part2题库话题原创范文a car journey汽车旅行图1

回归:雅思口语范文汇总——汽车旅行(Describe a car journey you went on)




Last year,before the summer vocation my parents decided to go travelling to Sichuan during my summer vocation. We all wanted to go to JiuZhaigou very much, which was famous for the beautiful autumn scenery. Hot pot would be definitely the first thing we ate in Sichuan, I guess nobody could resist the temptation of it. Someone told me Sichuan ,especially the capital city Chengdu was full of beautiful and interesting ladies ,I would like to find out whether that was true or not. We all looked forward to the journey.

However, before we set off , we had a long discussion ,you even could call it “battle” about how we should go to Sichuan . Mum believed package tour would be easier, the travel agency would be responsible for everything, transportation, ticket, hotel, and our luggage. Dad hold another opinion ,he persisted in self-driving, he didn’t like guided tour, because there were so many reports about tour guide forcing the tourists to purchase recently, he thought this behavior from tour guide would destroy our holiday, mum couldn't deny this, so she surrendered. Actually I was happy that mum gave up.

We drove to hunan province first, went to the well-known mountain zhangjiajie. We planned to stay there for 2 days, but in the hotel we lived, we met another family who was also in a self-driving tour. Mum loved that family, so we changed our plan. We were there for 4 days in the end, then we went to Sichuan together.

When seeing beautiful scenery, we always parked our car beside the road, took photos, had a rest. We totally threw ourselves behind our plan which had been changed again and again, but everybody was happy, nobody minded we had to make a new plan all the time. At that moment, mum had to accept that self-driving was the best decision we made. We had experienced the best journey.




guided tour

threw ourselves behind our plan

高分句型:Hot pot would be definitely the first thing we ate in Sichuan, I guess nobody could resist the temptation of it.

We totally threw ourselves behind our plan which had been changed again and again, but everybody was happy, nobody minded we had to make a new plan all the time.




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