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今天给大家带来一篇Line chart,也就是线形图的小作文。题目是

The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between 1940 and 2040 in three different countries.

说到Line chart,大家能想到很多和上升、下降有关的词汇,最为常见的有rise/increase/fall/decrease,还有一些参考书上给出了一些所谓更“高级”的单词,如表示暴涨的soar/rocket,表示暴跌的plummet,这些单词真得用了会拿高分吗?我们来看看Simon的看法:

When describing changes I prefer to avoid words like soar, rocket and plummet because they are too "sensationalist" - they exaggerate too much, and are more journalistic than academic in style.


Instead, we can demonstrate good control of grammar by using words like increase, rise and fall as both nouns and verbs:


- London saw a significant increase in the cost of homes. (noun)

- The cost of homes in London increased significantly. (verb)

- There was a rise in house prices between 1990 and 1995. (noun)

- House prices rose between 1990 and 1995. (verb)

- There was a 7% fall in the average house price in Tokyo. (noun)

- The average Tokyo house price fell by 7%. (verb)


� Introduction: 1 sentence

� Overview (summary): 2 sentences

� First 'details' paragraph: 3 sentences

� Second 'details' paragraph: 3 sentences


The line graph compares the percentage of people aged 65 or more in three countries over a period of 100 years.

It is clear that the proportion of elderly people increases in each country between 1940 and 2040. Japan is expected to see the most dramatic changes in its elderly population.

In 1940, around 9% of Americans were aged 65 or over, compared to about 7% of Swedish people and 5% of Japanese people. The proportions of elderly people in the USA and Sweden rose gradually over the next 50 years, reaching just under 15% in 1990. By contrast, the figures for Japan remained below 5% until the early 2000s.

Looking into the future, a sudden increase in the percentage of elderly people is predicted for Japan, with a jump of over 15% in just 10 years from 2030 to 2040. By 2040, it is thought that around 27% of the Japanese population will be 65 years old or more, while the figures for Sweden and the USA will be slightly lower, at about 25% and 23% respectively.

(178 words, band 9)


Compare:这个单词非常好用,既可以用于第一段替换show,也可以数据对比时,以…, compared to的形式做状语。

Under/below/over/around X%:%u6570字前的各种表示“多于”、“少于”等的介词要记牢。

By contrast/while表示对比,后面要接句子。










